1. The Little LOVE Bug http://www.thelittlelovebug.etsy.com/ My own sample
DIY Easter Hair Clip Kit See y blog post for instructions!!!
2. T and Little S Designs http://www.tscrapper.etsy.com/
Handcrafted Bookmark

3. Mirasol Farm http://www.mirasolfarm.etsy.com/
Rosemary Mint Lotion
Lemon Lime Lip Balm
4. Miss Onyx http://www.scratchjewwllery.etsy.com/
Nail Art pendant
5. Nature baby Knits http://www.naturebabykints.com/
3 knitting loops
6. Let it Shine Jewelery Design http://www.sherrt19682008.etsy.com/
Bi cone Swarovski crystal earrings
7. I Heart Bowheads http://iheartbowheads.blogspot.com/
Hair clip
8. Wooldins http://www.wooldins.etsy.com/
breast pads
9. Crochet Frog http://www.poladottedpickle.com/
Easter Bunny Crochet magnet
10. Love Abounds http://hyenacart.com/loveabounds
Peanut butter bliss

11. Stylin Baby Cloth http://www.stylinbabycloth.etsy.com/
fabric wipe
12. Babus http://www.babus.etsy.com/
Crinkle Patty Baby Clutch Toy
13. Fluff n Fixings http://www.fluffnfixings.etsy.com/
recycled mailing envelope
14. FOE Your Diaper http://www.foeyyourdiaper.com/
green Fold Over Elastic
15. Natural Madison http://hyenacart.com.nmwoolwashoutlet/
Natural Laundry Soap
16. Country Soap http://hyenacart.com/countrysoapbymarlene
Baby Soap
17. The Melting Pot Candle Co http://www.themeltingpotcandleco.com/
Tulip Soy tart
18. Clear Hills Honey Company http://hyenacart.com/clearhillshoney
Lip Balm Samples
19. Scent-Sory Creations http://hyenacart.com/scentsorycreations
Oatmeal Milk Bath
20. Mama's Bug A Boo http://www.mamasbugaboo.com/
Mama's Bug A Bin Powder

21. I'm Pretty Boutique http://www.imprettyboutique.com/
Bow Hair Clip
22. Kinder Klothes http://www.kinderklothes.etsy.com/
Newborn Hat
23. Distinctive Deals http://www.distinctivedecals.com/
Flower decal
24. Earth School http://www.kandfshops.com/
Down on the Farm Sample Activities
25. Joyful Tie Dyes www.hyenacart.com/joyfultiedyes.com
26. Perennial Piecer http://www.perennialpiecer.etsy.com/
27. DFMI Design http://www.dmfidesign.com/
2 cards
28. Aunty Ann Designs http://www.aunttanndesigns.etsy.com/
Sock Monkey card

i love the spotted box!!
I agree, it was another great box this month!
Thanks for mentioning my shop and I hope you enjoy your sachet!
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