Friday, October 17, 2008

My First Wholesale Order

I finished my wholesale order. My enitre felt food collection and 40 felt hair clips.

Here is just a very small part of the order!

By the way I found a new love! Felt hair clips! They are so fun to do and you can do and create so much with them. I will now be addig felt hair clips to my shop soon.

Ok back to the order I only had a week to do it. Normally it takes be 2 to finish my collection never mind the clips too. But I did it and I think everything came out great. I hope this order happens again!!

It is such a great feeling knowing someone lieks your items so much that they want to sell it. I wish the shop was in my area so I could sneak in and see my items on display!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Free Shipping!!

For those of you who take time to read my blog I want to give you a discount!

When you visit my shop and buy 2 or more items I will give you free shipping for the month of October!

Just buy what you would like and check out and pay through paypal. Then convo me with this discount code: OctBlog1

Then I will send you a refund for the shipping through PayPal.

If sending a check or money order just convo me with the same discount code and then subtract the shipping from your check or money order before you mail it out.

It is that easy!