Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Great Giveaway!
Check out Monkey Tree Creations blog who is hosting this great giveaway!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Etsy Kids Egg-Stravaganza Hunt
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Etsy Kids March Challenge
Monday, March 23, 2009
DIY Easter Chic Hatching Out of Egg Felt Hair Clip Directions
Now this is my first attempt to Create directions for a DIY felt Hair Clip Kit so please bare with me and let me know how these are.
Here we go:

Here is the kit a you received it in your March Spotted Box. Most items have been provided here for you. All you need is a needle to sew and scissors to cut the thread at the end.

1. Your it kit includes: 1 yellow felt chic oval, 1 snap hair clip, 1 very long more than enough piece of embroidery thread, 1 felt egg shape.
2. thread your embroidery thread and tie a knot at the end.

3. Cut a small hold/slice at the towards the bottom of the felt egg shapes and poke snap clip through hole as shown in these 2 pictures.
Pictures show front and back view. The large part of the snap clip should be inside the felt piece.

6. Your thread is now coming out of the back of the felt egg piece thread it through both felt pieces as shown here.

9. On your last stitch sew as you would normally through to the back layer of felt.

10. Now sew through the back layer only. So your needle and thread will be in between the two layers of felt.

12. Next thread needle and thread in between the middle of the 2 pieces of felt to the other side. Pull knot though to hid in the clip.

13. Now sew the top of the egg above the chic. This is not necessary for the clip, but make it look finished.

13. Follow step 11 to tie the end knot.

14. Now with your thread and needle sew 2 stitches for the little Chic's eyes. Do these stitches just above the cracked part of the egg so it appears the chic is peeking out of the egg.

15. If you would like you can add 3 more stitches to the top of the chic head to create colorful feathers on top of the chic head.

My March Spotted Box

1. The Little LOVE Bug http://www.thelittlelovebug.etsy.com/ My own sample
DIY Easter Hair Clip Kit See y blog post for instructions!!!
2. T and Little S Designs http://www.tscrapper.etsy.com/
Handcrafted Bookmark

3. Mirasol Farm http://www.mirasolfarm.etsy.com/
Rosemary Mint Lotion
Lemon Lime Lip Balm
4. Miss Onyx http://www.scratchjewwllery.etsy.com/
Nail Art pendant
5. Nature baby Knits http://www.naturebabykints.com/
3 knitting loops
6. Let it Shine Jewelery Design http://www.sherrt19682008.etsy.com/
Bi cone Swarovski crystal earrings
7. I Heart Bowheads http://iheartbowheads.blogspot.com/
Hair clip
8. Wooldins http://www.wooldins.etsy.com/
breast pads
9. Crochet Frog http://www.poladottedpickle.com/
Easter Bunny Crochet magnet
10. Love Abounds http://hyenacart.com/loveabounds
Peanut butter bliss

11. Stylin Baby Cloth http://www.stylinbabycloth.etsy.com/
fabric wipe
12. Babus http://www.babus.etsy.com/
Crinkle Patty Baby Clutch Toy
13. Fluff n Fixings http://www.fluffnfixings.etsy.com/
recycled mailing envelope
14. FOE Your Diaper http://www.foeyyourdiaper.com/
green Fold Over Elastic
15. Natural Madison http://hyenacart.com.nmwoolwashoutlet/
Natural Laundry Soap
16. Country Soap http://hyenacart.com/countrysoapbymarlene
Baby Soap
17. The Melting Pot Candle Co http://www.themeltingpotcandleco.com/
Tulip Soy tart
18. Clear Hills Honey Company http://hyenacart.com/clearhillshoney
Lip Balm Samples
19. Scent-Sory Creations http://hyenacart.com/scentsorycreations
Oatmeal Milk Bath
20. Mama's Bug A Boo http://www.mamasbugaboo.com/
Mama's Bug A Bin Powder

21. I'm Pretty Boutique http://www.imprettyboutique.com/
Bow Hair Clip
22. Kinder Klothes http://www.kinderklothes.etsy.com/
Newborn Hat
23. Distinctive Deals http://www.distinctivedecals.com/
Flower decal
24. Earth School http://www.kandfshops.com/
Down on the Farm Sample Activities
25. Joyful Tie Dyes www.hyenacart.com/joyfultiedyes.com
26. Perennial Piecer http://www.perennialpiecer.etsy.com/
27. DFMI Design http://www.dmfidesign.com/
2 cards
28. Aunty Ann Designs http://www.aunttanndesigns.etsy.com/
Sock Monkey card

My DIY Kits in Spotted Boxes
Monday, March 16, 2009
Monkey Tree Creations Blog Giveaway
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Spotted Box Giveaway!!
Trade of the Week-- Monkey Tree Crations

Well this weeks Trade was with Monkey Tree Creation. First I have to say the wonderful smell that came out of the box when I opened it was just to amazing for words. It was flowers, citrus, lavender, and just all around delightful. I traded Abi fore her quite a few of her wonderful products.
First is what I think is my favorite Dryer bags made from certified Organic Lavender. I dried some of our blankets with these dryer bags. I love to curl up in my wonderful smelling, and relaxing, blankets at night.
The next item is Bath Tea Bags for Skin care. Yes another great smelling item. I am hoping this will do wonders for my daughters eczema. Cross your fingers!

The next item is Ouchie Balm. I can't wait to see how this works! I have hear so much about it . I plan to have it in my purse for those ouchie occasions outside of the house LOL

The next one I do not think a mommy can live without. Herbal Stress Balm. I used this one right out of the box. And boy doe sit works. I will need more of these. Lets see in every room of the house, purse, and car. With a preschooler and a tornado of a toddler this is a must.
I also got an added surprise in my trade! Sleepy Sleepy Drinking tea. I am so curious about this one among the ingredients is catnip. I think I will use this tonight after the kids are in bed.
What I love about Abi's items is that she has a card with each items letting you know exactly what is in the item and how to use it. It helps so much to know everything especially if you have a house of people with allergies like I do. And if you are new to organic living like me how to use the items is so great!

Thanks so much Abi form Monkey Tree Creations for such a great trade.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Kindergarten 101
I read this on Estymoms blog http://etsymom.blogspot.com/ and found it so helpful I asked if I could share it here for all of you in the same preschool kindergarten boat as I am in.
Welcome to the first in a series of blog entries about the monumental transition from pre-school to kindergarten! My name is Liz, owner of http://www.daisycreek.etsy.com/ , etsymom team member and kindergarten teacher. I have been teaching for 11 years, 8 in kindergarten. I have my Masters in Education with a focus on the transition from pre-school to kindergarten and have been a supervisior of student teachers for the last 7 years. When I saw the request for people to contribute to the blog, I jumped at the chance to contribute!
Each month I will focus on one of the many important skills that children should have upon entering kindergarten, as well as ways to practice at home with little or no materials. Please remember, as with everything, each child is different and learns at a different pace. Although you will hear about standards (and yes, even 5 year olds have them!), but we also need to take into account if it is developmentally appropriate.
This month, I'm going to focus on a Listening and Speaking skill: listening to at least 2 directions without asking for clarification. Although this seems like a relatively simple skill, you would be amazed at how many children come to kindergarten unable to do this. I can't even count the number of times that I am expecting my students to do more than one task before they need to be ready to learn. Here are some examples: (1) after recess is over - please go in, get a drink of water and sit down on the carpet. (2) go to your desk, get out your math workbook and your favorite color crayon. (3) stand up, push in your chair and line up at the door to go to music.
It seems simple and yet even my smartest (he's reading at a second grade level) could not put his name on his paper without me literally standing over him... makes it quite difficult to get anything done :) Below is a game that you can play at home to help practice this skill. Not only will your child's kindergarten teacher be hugging you and thanking you, you'll be thanking yourself!!
Game: Simon Says (can also be Mommy Says or Daddy Says)
Objective: For children to practice single and multiple step directions
What You Need: Nothing!!
What To Do: Starting with one request, use the phrase "Simon Says" or other alternates to keep the request(s) fun. For example: say "Simon Says go get a book from your room." When your child has the book, (you'll have to follow them to the place you ask them to go when you are first starting the game) say something like "Go to the couch" and when they start to go, say something like, "Oh no, silly - I didn't say Mommys Says!!" Then say, "Mommy Says go to the couch". You can continue doing this until your child is confident completing single step directions.
Extensions: Continue the game with two or three step directions (more if your child wants a challenge). For example: Say things like "Mommy Says go get a book from your room and go to the couch" or "Daddy Says pick up your socks and put them in the laundry basket." For a little added fun, your child can be Simon! Even thinking in terms of multiple step directions will help your child to follow them with more ease and will give you a little extra help around the house!!
Enjoy the game and have fun! Come back at the end of March for another Listening and Speaking skill (we know how 4 year olds love to talk!!!): Reciting rhymes and songs!! Have a great March, etsymoms!! See you soon, Liz
by daisy creek designs
March Spotted Box Sample and Discount Code Offer!

This month I am trying out a new product as my Spotted Box sample. A Do It Yourself Felt Hair Clip Kit. The kit I have chosen to create this month is for Easter, DIY Easter Chic Hatching out of the Egg Felt Hair Clip Kit (I know it is a long title but it does describe it best). All you need is your own sewing needle the rest I have provided for you. I have not included the step by step instructions in this sample to be more eco friendly. I have decided to post them on my blog to save on paper, so for complete step by step instructions and pictures on how to make your own Easter Felt Hair clip visit my blog http://thelittlelovebug2.blogspot.com/ I will post them on the day the Spotted Boxes go on sale in March 15, 2009.
To buy a Spotted Box on March 15, 209 visit

Please visit my shops to find more Hair Clip Kits, Completed Hair Clips, and a very large selection of Felt Play Food.
Once you have visited my shop please contact or email me and let me know what your favorite item is and I will contact or email you back with a very special discount code. The discount will be very worth it as a thanks to you for your time and letting me know what you like best in my shops
The Little LOVE Bug
Saturday, March 7, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
I've Been Stalked

How great is that and such a surprise. You need to check out there site it has so many great Etsy items to look at put together in such a gun way!
Thanks Etsy Stalkers!!! You can stalk me anytime LOL