Thursday, May 21, 2009

I need your help

I am trying to get my felt hair clips going and I just can not decide on how to sell them in my shop.

Here are the options I was thinking
1. as singles for $2.00 each
2. as a set of 2 for $3.50 a set
3. or option 1 and 2 in my shop for each clip so buyers have an option for what they would like

what do you think I should do?
Please vote to the right and if you have any other ideas please leave a comment here

thanks Jocelyn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you should do #3 so that the customer has an option on how many they want to buy. I would feel like I was getting a great deal on the set vs. the single, so I would more likely buy the set.
